Thank you Art for letting us into your home to chant the Gayatri Mantra 108 times. There is something awesome about men's voices together engaged in spiritual practice. Thank you Dixon and Kevin for responding to spontaneous requests to do Spiritual Mind Treatments for our country and our planet and thanks to the new men who ventured out to join us and thanks for the weather for being awesome.

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New faces and voices made for a rich conversation and meal the host said, we had enough eggs.

Art's home is right on the golf course and now and then in the middle of our spiritual highs we could hear the golfers out there in the beautiful weather. Wonder what they thought.
In small groups we debriefed about the experience and had the opportunity to connect intimately with other men. At the start of the meeting we remembered the three men from our community who recently passed away: Joe Lillie, Terry Rosenthal and Ron Atchison.
This meeting is open to all men that want to connect with the ManSpirit Group of CSLSR
YOU ARE INVITED to host one of our monthly meetings! in your home.
Give a Core Team member a call or email about your availability to host a future gathering.
Thank you, in advance, for stepping forward and sharing your space with us. Contact a member of the CORE to find out more.
Dixon and Patrick could hardly be separated to chat with other people... ahhhh, connections.
Hey, how did Edward get into all these photos?